Matt Cauthon taught us that “A man needs a little gold in his pocket.” Well, we can’t get a real gold coin from the WoT world, but we could make a digital one!

TVCP is a Fan token. It was created on the Cardano blockchain. It represents the smallest coinage of the city of Tar Valon. It does not have any real world use case at this time, and currently only holds value for those that like both Crypto, the Wheel of Time series, and the idea of owning a coin purse full of gold.

You said Gold, I see copper…

Tar Valon currency in the books follow these conversions.

10 copper pennies = 1 silver penny
10 silver pennies = 1 silver mark
10 silver marks = 1 silver crown
10 silver crowns = 1 gold mark
10 gold marks = 1 gold crown

10 copper pennies = 1 silver penny
100 copper pennies = 1 silver mark
1,000 copper pennies = 1 silver crown
10,000 copper pennies = 1 gold mark
100,000 copper pennies = 1 gold crown

How many?

TVCP was minted with a static amount of coins. There will never be any more. The total is 1,000,000,000 coins minted on the Cardano Blockchain.

Why so many?

In order to make sure there was enough to go around and to pay homage to the Dragon Reborn, we created enough Tar Valon copper pennies to cover Rand’s bet with Edorion in chapter 30 of The Fires of Heaven. 10,000 Gold Crowns = 1,000,000,000 Coper Pennies.